- [CPP Client] Wait for all seek operations completed 7216
- [CPP Client] Ensure parallel invocations of MultiTopicsConsumerImpl::subscribeAsync with the same topic name do not produce an error. 7691
- [CPP Client] Throw std::exception types 7798
- [CPP Client] Make clear() thread-safe 7862
- [CPP Client] Support key based batching 7996
- [CPP Client] The token endpoint should get from the well-known configuration 8006
- [CPP Client] Add Snappy library to Docker images for building C++ packages 8086
- [CPP Client] Add epoch for C++ client HandleBase to handle create producer timeout 8191
- [CPP Client] Fix some pending requests may never complete when broker's down 8232
- [CPP Client] Client is allocating buffer bigger than needed 8283
- [CPP Client] Client back-pressure is done on batches rather than number of messages 8331
- [CPP Client] Fix message id error when subscribing a single partition 8341